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    How to increase employee productivity to increase your profits.

    in Latest News and Information 2 min read

    A man typing on keyboard

    Since businesses have been around the quality of working environments has been a challenge. Studies show that if your employees enjoy where they work they will be more efficient and productive. However, the challenge of creating a stimulating work environment without overspending is often not high on the radar of senior management.

    Most businesses underestimate the importance of an engaging work environment, we live in an age where people want to work somewhere exciting so an old stuffy office is not going to interest potential employees. A UK study completed by Peldon Rose shows that 91% of UK workers believe that their office environment directly impacts their productivity. Which, when you think about it directly affects the employer’s pocket.

    Here’s a few tips on how to look at your office from a productivity point of view to increase productivity and increase your profits.

    Engage with your employees

    Without talking to your employees you will not be able to understand their needs and identify opportunities for improvements. Giving employees the opportunity to share their views on how the workplace could be improved will give them a sense of value which in itself will increase productivity.

    Analyse the workplace.

    By properly evaluating the way your office works will help you better understand what improvements can be made to aid employee wellbeing and productivity. By understanding how the space is used and how your employees like to work enables you to make targeted improvements to the office environments.

    Understand the core drivers

    Before getting any changes signed off by senior management you must understand the core drivers. Employees should be the first core driver for any change however this is not the case, you also need to consider cost savings, operational changes/improvements and other financial motivations.

    Once you’ve taken the time to understand what improvements could be made get in touch with us at Perth Citi Fitout. As experts in commercial construction, we work with building owners to restore buildings that have become worn over time but have the structural frameworks intact. Restorative commercial base builds increase a property’s value and allow the building to be leased at a higher rate, increasing your return on investment. We’re also experienced and compliant in completing commercial construction projects as part of an office fitout, to make an area work better for your needs within the limitations of your lease.


    Peter Doll
    in Latest News and Information

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